Serbia on the Path to Technological Excellence: Unveiling the Future of ICT and Innovation

Many international technology giants, including those from the United States, have recognized Serbia’s potential by establishing research and development centers and acquiring companies within its borders. But what lies ahead for Serbia on its journey towards global leadership in information technology?

At the Belgrade Economic Forum, within the panel “Serbia on the Path to Technological Excellence: Unveiling the Future of Information Technology and Innovation”, moderated by Dr. Ivan Tanasijevic, the head of IVI’s Belgrade office, participants discussed the opportunities, the development of new technologies and artificial intelligence, and the challenges that lie ahead. The panel included:

  • Nenad Paunovic, Director of the IT and Entrepreneurship Team in the Office of the President of the Republic of Serbia;
  • Dejan Cupac, Director of IT and Technology at the MK Group;
  • Vladimir Radovanovic, Assistant Minister in the Sector for Innovation, Technology Transfer, and Technological Development.

During the panel, they analyzed the next steps in the development of the country’s technological ecosystem, scalability and resource allocation, collaboration between universities and industry, as well as the issue of regional connectivity and the attraction and retention of IT talent.